Dr Hassan,Mshinda

  • Think Tank Chair Tanzania



Dr. Hassan Mshinda is the former Director General of Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology in Tanzania. He also served as the Director of Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre for over 10 years. As a scientist and later the Director of Ifakara Health Institute, he attracted several research grants from various international donors and foundations, funding projects that have had their results published in various international and peer reviewed journals. The results of his studies have gone on to impact health policy and strategies both at national and international levels, in particular, on malaria, schistosomiasis and child health. During his leadership the Institute was awarded the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award on International Cooperation 2008 by the Prince of Spain.


Dr. Mshinda completed his Masters of Science in Applied Parasitology and Medical Technology with University of Liverpool and PhD in Epidemiology with University of Basel in Switzerland. He has led several research projects funded by the Multilateral Initiative of Malaria in Africa, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Development Research Centre in Canada, the European Union, Ireland Aid, and Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development. Dr. Mshinda has conducted several international and national consultancies assigned by the Department of International Development, Danish Development Agency and World Health Organization Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. In collaboration with other scientists, Dr. Mshinda has published more than 30 articles in International peer review journals. He is also currently member of the boards of various researches and academic institutions in Tanzania and abroad and a founding Member African Academy for Public Health (AAPH).