• Think-Tank Member - Ethiopia


Dr. Aster Teshome is a graduate of Ph.D. in Public Health and Masters in Reproductive Health; BSC in Midwifery with over 25 years of experience in Academia, Clinical Practice, Reproductive Health Program in the Health sector. Over 13 years of experience served as Chief expert on adolescent and youth health and sexual and reproductive health at the ministry of health, with good reputation of networking with Governmental and Non-governmental Reproductive Health Community. In her tenure at the ministry of health (MOH), she has coordinated and led different technical working group on girls and women health including the development of different guidelines and strategies such as adolescent and youth strategy, training manual ant guidelines. Dr. Aster Teshome is also coordinated and led in the development of first and second trimester abortion training manual and the revision of technical and procedural guideline for abortion service provision. Dr. Aster Teshome was part of the team on different guideline developments. Dr. Aster Teshome is a midwife and has served as president and executive board members for the Ethiopian midwives association, and working with International counsel of midwives and others Volunteer work. Dr. Aster Teshome is an adjunct professor of reproductive health (RH) and population studies at Bahir Dar University's College of Medicine and Health Sciences.

In addition Dr. Aster is the founder and president of the Center for Adolescent girls’ health. Center for Adolescent Girls' Health (CAGH), a newly established non-profit organization. Registered in 2022 under the Ethiopian Authority for Civil Society Organization (ACSO) with registration number 5998. CAGH is committed to enhancing the health and well-being of adolescent girls across various settings, including schools and industrial parks, while also addressing the critical issue of adolescent pregnancy prevention. It was established with the aim of advocacy work creating access to essential health services for adolescent girls. CAGH has strong partnership with Ministry of Health; Ethiopia midwives association and SRHR stakeholders. CAGH has a large number of volunteers who are senior experts in several SRHR fields and are eager to help the organization. CAGH is very pleased to be collaborating with several organizations and individuals who are interested in girls and women.

At the heart of our mission lie four strategic directions: Strengthening Adolescent Girls, Women, and Children Health and Nutrition; fostering Innovation; Advocating and Promoting Adolescent Girls' Rights; and forging Partnerships and Resource Mobilization (Human), alongside Leadership and Research in Adolescent Girls. Through these strategic pillars, we endeavor to collaborate closely with the government system to amplify our impact and reach. The CAGH working on seven major areas for Adolescent Girls' SRH care services, 1) Health promotion and SRH counselling services, 2) Contraception counselling and services, 3) Comprehensive abortion care, 4) Prevention and treatment of STI/HIV, 5) Maternal and Neonatal care, 6) Adolescent Nutrition Counselling, 7) Gender-Based Violence prevention counselling and treatment/management.