Prof. Ayoade Oduola

  • Principal Investigator - Nigeria


Ayoade MJ. Oduola ( is the Director of the University of Ibadan Research Foundation ( A member of the National Research Council of Nigeria and the Research Advisory Board of the Nigeria Institute of Medical Research. He worked as a US National Research Council (NRC) Fellow as well as a Principal Investigator at the Water Reed Army Institute for Research (WRAIR), USA. Served as   Coordinator for Stewardship, Empowerment and Capacity Building for Research at the World  WHO/TDR where he managed research capacity building initiatives with international partners including: Creation of the Regional Training Centers for Bioinformatics in Brazil,  South Africa and Thailand; establishment of  the South-South Initiative for Tropical Diseases Research ( ); organization of a High Level Ministerial Forum for research on infectious diseases of poverty in Africa). He led a team of over 300 international contributors to produce a Global Report for Research Priorities on Infectious Diseases of Poverty ( 

He is a member of the Africa Research Implementation Science and Education (ARISE) Network, the Africa Leishmaniases Consortium (ALC); the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACAIDIC) and convener of a ‘Think Tank’ for translating research to innovations, evidence and strategies for policy options in Nigeria.  He has been honoured with awards including U.S. Army Research and Development Award, 1988; The Bailey K. Ashford Medal by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1998; Certificate of Service, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, 2012 and Honorary International Fellow, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2016.   He continues to devote efforts to facilitating strategic partnerships between institutions in diseases endemic countries, private sector and international partners on research and translations of innovations for impact-driven policy options for health and national development